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Scare Score

At Scare Critic, we rate movies and tv shows using a Scare Score based on the Scare Equation.

Our Scare Score includes the following with the corresponding total points allowable:

Suspense – 7 points
This is a really important part of a scary movie and should be a running theme throughout.
1 being the least suspenseful and 7 being the most suspenseful.

Shock – 7 points
Shock is evaluated on overall shock value of the film, not on individual scene.
1 being the least shocking and 7 being the most shocking.

Realism – 7 points
Realism is important, but not as important as suspense. There needs to be a good balance of realism in a movie in order for it to achieve maximum scares.
1 being the least believable and 7 being the most believable.

Atmosphere – 7 points
Atmosphere includes the investment in the characters as well as the setting. Without emotional connection to both, the movie will fail to connect.
1 being no emotional investment and 7 being full emotional investment.

Void of Cliches – 7 points
Too many cliches make the movie predictable and uninteresting. There will always be some, so we are rating on how these cliches impact the movie overall.
1 being many cliches and 7 being few cliches.

The Scare Critic Recommendations

We’re going to tell you honestly whether a movie or show is worth watching. We know truly good horror movies and shows are hard to come by, so we take our rating scale very seriously.

Must Watch

You can’t miss this. This is a movie or show you should definitely add to your watch list.

Worth a Watch

You could definitely do worse then adding this movie or show to your list. It might be a little cliche or the plot might falter, but overall a good watch.

If You’re Desperate

If you are scraping the bottom of the barrel, we’ve got a few movies and shows that will help you out.


Basically, we watched this so you don’t have to. We mean it, stay away.